What?! Is the sky falling down or something?

Really, life isn't that interesting. But who says you can't write about it anyway?

Sunday, December 03, 2006

My New Sweet Schedule

So I might have registered too early because it was on Tuesday and now I finally got things straight. It's not my fault that Biochemistry and Inorganic Chemistry were at the same time, or that Genetics and Intermediate Organic Chemistry were at the same time. Inorg was supposed to be my backup too...oh well. Meanwhile I wasn't so sure that I wanted to take a language class next semester, let alone German. In the end, I'm taking Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, 2nd semester 1st year German, Introduction to Ballet, and Research! It's kind of exciting, since my latest class ends at 2 PM and most days I end at 1 PM. Also I only have 1 class on Friday (though at 9 in the morning, but what can I do about that...it's biochem).

I should have plenty of time for research and for soccer and for other sports and for volunteering. I was also debating getting a tutoring job of some sort in orgo since I'm out of practice. I can also work on learning some more Croatian since I haven't gotten very far yet, and keep working on Spanish. Too bad I couldn't take Russian 101 since that was at 9 in the morning. Maybe next year? I think Russian is pretty sweet. Meanwhile, Italian may be the only other language that offers a 101 class next semester. I kind of want to learn Italian, but I should be able to learn some on my own. Same with Portuguese. I probably won't learn those any time soon (I'd be too ambitious), but maybe some day...like this summer?


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