What?! Is the sky falling down or something?

Really, life isn't that interesting. But who says you can't write about it anyway?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Good and the Bad

I thought I rocked at life. Really. Everything was going so well, with the 100% on the Analytical Chem. exam, meeting professors who actually want me to work in their labs, having gas chromatography run so smoothly, a good grade on the sixth lab report...and then I hit today. And I still didn't get very far after working for 7 hours+ on my A-chem lab report for Monday, Mastering Physics hates me, and I didn't study any biochemistry today at all. And Michigan lost to Ohio State! Other sports news was pretty good otherwise.
Also my sister got into U of M! We can take over the world now! And Thanksgiving is on Thursday! If only I can make it until break...
I can't wait until next semester. Hopefully tons of cool stuff will be happening. I will also have FFXII and intermediate Orgo. And ballet. Woot.


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