What?! Is the sky falling down or something?

Really, life isn't that interesting. But who says you can't write about it anyway?

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Random Post: 10 things (1)

So since my life still isn't interesting, I decided that I would try to change things up. This idea is based on the "5 things" challenge or whatever they have at Livejournal. So here I go, hopefully it is enjoyable.

10 things that I shouldn't do that I do anyway (in no particular order)
1. Think to myself out loud, in public.
2. Talk to (or yell at) inanimate objects, such as my computer.
3. Run too many programs on my computer at the same time, causing it to almost blow up.
4. Pick at my pimples.
Try to harmonize while studying and knitting at the same time.
Eat by my computer (there must be so much shit in my keyboard).
7. Become obsessed with people and start "stalking" them
8. Download music off the internet (though I do buy CDs too).
9. Zone out of conversations frequently, many times forgetting what people say.
10. Hide in my room (and conjure up evil spirits, I wish).

10 things that I can do that I am proud of
1. Multitask.
2. Play multiple instruments (though not at the same time, which would be awesome).
3. Whistle.
4. Identify pitches by ear (though my ear for tuning has disappeared).
5. Read articles/stories/etc. in Spanish.

6. Knit/crochet things.

7. Make chinese knots. If you don't know what these are, they tend to be made out a slippery but thick string, and a lot of them have beads and tassles attached to them, and they tend to hang from doorknobs or car mirrors or as wall decorations.
8. Beat RPGs (I think I have beaten over 35 now).
9. Make oboe reeds that play.
Pass Chemistry courses.

By the way, I hear that they are offering Chem 420 next semester. I think I might die of happiness.


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