Writing is fun.
You should all go and start writing, no matter what age or level you are at. Write things down, either in a diary, as a short story, a drabble, a poem, whatever you choose. As some of you know, I am a fanfic/real person fic/original fic writer, with all these works scattered under different pennames and on different sites. I'm not going to link to them (if you are really bored, you can go look for them!), because the best part about posting on the internet is that you can write anonymously if you want to. Then people can comment on your work (hopefully) and hopefully you will improve as a writer and as a person.
How does writing improve you as a person? Well, your writing always carries a bit of yourself in it. If you are not portraying yourself, then you are portraying the way you believe people think and act, how they say things and how they react to things. The best comments I've ever gotten on my writing were those that told me that I made a character sound like a whiny 16-year old even though the person was supposed to be 26. This comment opened my eyes, and finally I saw the world without the closemindedness of a teenager (who usually thinks the world revolves around him or her). It helped me grow as a person almost as much as going to college.
So what about the crap in this blog? Sometimes the best part about writing things is rereading it a few months or years later and reflecting upon it. I always laugh at my younger self when I reread old diary entries or old stories. I'm not the best at rewriting things, which could be an interesting experience (imagine rewriting a story that you wrote in 6th grade with its horrible plot and characters), but I critique my old works both as pieces of writing and as examples of my thinking level and I always try to improve. I hope still to mature even a year from now, and be able to look back upon entries I wrote this year and smile at the improvement that I've made, the added sophistication and dimension to my writing and to my life.
Being a writer has sharpened all of my senses and I notice the "coincidences" and the "drama", the small changes in people's voices and mannerisms, the way the environment can effect people's moods, the way words can be so beautiful and yet so destructive. And through writing I have discovered myself, the way I want to present myself, my style. I want to write in fragmented sentences that have many clauses, that describe things in roundabout ways, that try to have varied vocabulary and that tend to have many related things clustered together. I feel that my writing shows who I really am. You can decide for yourself.
I hope you read through all of this and enjoyed it. Now it's your turn to write.
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