What?! Is the sky falling down or something?

Really, life isn't that interesting. But who says you can't write about it anyway?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Stop it with the rules.

So the people up here at U of M probably heard about that guy yelling about homosexuals and the retaliation by the gay couples on campus. Go them! Supposedly he justified his hate by saying that homosexuals are all suicidal and depressed. Yeah, because people like you make them. Because in truth they are not all the same, just like not all men are the same, not all fish are the same, not all students are the same, not all Americans are the same...
I really have to rant. Stop making these rules. I am a woman because I feel and believe that I am one. I am an Asian American because I don't think I have lost all of my parents' Asian heritage yet (though my Chinese sucks) and I don't think I'm anything like my cousins in Asia. I am not Malaysian because my Dad was born there, even if people want to force it upon themselves...
So since this is a rant, I must go off on to another topic without any real segway. So back to sexuality. Who is actually 100% straight anyway? If you loved yourself, wouldn't you be loving someone of the same gender? Coming to love myself was the first step in getting out of the stupidity of teenage angst and drama. Once I realized that I was a beautiful person, then I started to live. No, I'm not trying to be a poet. But when I was finally able to admire my nude self in the mirror, I really became myself. And thus by complimenting myself, entertaining myself, maintaining myself, I have loved myself. Aren't these things you would look for in a lover?
So if you were looking for me to come out of a closet or something, I'll say this. There was no closet for me to come out of because I never hid in one in the first place. I have embraced the fact that I can love people of all types: of all genders, races/ethnicities, ages, social standing, interests, etc. I estimate that I have a 75% preference towards males over females, but does that really matter? You can call me a bisexual if you want, but I haven't even found anyone who I'd like to spend my life with. I haven't even had a sex dream, let alone imagined myself realistically kissing anyone (I hear most of my dreams). I mean, can you really deny the fact that Ana Ivanovic is really hot? And that you would reject her if she hit on you just because she was also female? Or someone like Cristiano Ronaldo or Fernando Torres? As long as they didn't come off as arrogant asses?
I'm done with this stuff. Now go knock yourselves and appreciate the beautiful people around you.


At 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WORD TO ALL OF THIS. I love you, you win at life.


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