What?! Is the sky falling down or something?

Really, life isn't that interesting. But who says you can't write about it anyway?

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

Yay I am 19! My last year as a teenager.
The food yesterday at the Blue Nile was really, really good. And I also spent a lot of my parents' money treating my friends out. Thank you Mom and Dad! My parents are awesome.
I have also played more Xenosaga III yesterday. I am currently in chapter 5 of 9, and only 10 hours in. I hope the game isn't short like Xenosaga II. I want more crazy artwork and cutscenes and more fun! Yay for RPGs.
I also went to the game today and almost killed myself in the cold weather and in the rain. Michigan was winning when we left. American football is alright. I rather watch soccer, but Michigan's soccer team isn't so good. Thus I am addicted to my livestreamer again.
Two tests next week. Hopefully biochem. goes well. I declared my major on Monday (I didn't know that it was so easy) and I need to find some research to do. I also need to pray that they will have Chem 420 next semester so that I can take it! The best part of biochem right now are the mechanisms, so intermediate organic chemistry will be orgasmic. Haha.


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