What I Learned From Ballet Class
No, this is nothing profound and nothing to do with ballet in particular. It's more of my self-reflection which can also be deemed "thinking too much".
I can't remember the name of the move, but it is that move where you jump but one leg stays vertical and one leg kicks out to the side. I find that I barely get off the ground, let alone kick out one of my legs, for that move. I believe that is because I have an innate fear of taking big risks. It's nothing new; I do other things that also indicate such a reluctance, but now I have more confirmation. That is probably why I have no broken any bones or tried anything considered "dangerous". I sometimes nick myself with my reed knife, but otherwise I do not engage in anything that has high risk of causing bodily harm. Sometimes I get dizzy when I play the oboe, but I solve that by not playing until I get some air back in. Unfortunately my desire not to take risks does not translate into being careful with my hands. I still break too much stuff. And I lack common sense sometimes.
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