What?! Is the sky falling down or something?

Really, life isn't that interesting. But who says you can't write about it anyway?

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Verbal: 650
Math: 790

Not bad. I could have done better (I ran out of time and did some "educated" guessing on all sections) but I will live with these scores. And thankfully not take this test ever again. It was so much scarier than the SAT and I'm so glad it's over.

You don't realize how nice it is to go back and review all of the questions once you are finished until you take a test crappily set up like the computerized GRE. I realized, especially today, how much I depend on being able to do that. Well at least they let me review all of my answers before submitting my chemistry tests, so nothing bad there.

I won't be checking tennis and soccer match scores until tomorrow, after I watch the matches that were shown on TV. Yes, I have resisted the temptation. But I'm going back to Ann Arbor really early tomorrow, and all the fun begins again!

Ooh, now I can focus on learning "French" before our trip to Canada. Yay!


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