What?! Is the sky falling down or something?

Really, life isn't that interesting. But who says you can't write about it anyway?

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Anna Chakvetadze

Didn't realize how cute she was until today...actually I haven't seen much of her on TV until this weekend.  It's hard to see her as anything but, since she isn't "hot" to me at all.  She has the long hair in a braid thing going on, and it acctually got stuck in her racket while she was prepping for a shot (obviously lost the point) but that was amusing.  I'm glad to Sania Mirza in a final, though I wish she was playing better in it.  I'm kind of rooting for Sania, even though I started off writing about Anna.  Haha.

So I finally slept all the way to 9 AM this morning without waking up in between.  I've been having problems sleeping in past 7 so this was really welcome, but I should have known that it forecast something else being shitty today.  That ended up being my period starting and my desalting column basically eating up my enzyme and then my enzyme not reducing with its substrate like it is supposed to...  So I gave up and went home...just kidding.  I got something done.  I also stole the data fitting program from the lab but for some reason it isn't working...it would be sweet if I could get it to work...then I could spend more time at home watching TV!  Why won't it work...

Did I tell you how I'm procrastinating on my poster that I have for my research?  Oh well, I'm just being lazy again.


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