What?! Is the sky falling down or something?

Really, life isn't that interesting. But who says you can't write about it anyway?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Love for Getty Images, other randomness

Thank you, Getty, for providing access to the MLS All Star portraits.  Like, where else can I get them?  No one else cares.  Yay for Jonny looking hot, Brian Ching in a Hawaiian shirt (haha), Eddie Johnson blinging, Jimmy Conrad looking his usual charming/hilarious, DeRosario looking badass, Toja looking like a rock star.  I'm excited to see Toja and Angel and Johnson together.  I also hope some MLS fans decide to show up...will probably be a better game than last year.

The Czechs decide to start off the U-20 semifinal match against Austria by scoring 2 early goals.  Take that, Austria!  I hope they get killed, and please no extra time!

But the news of the day: LIndsay Davenport is coming back!  Right before the U.S. Open at Pilot Pen!  I didn't even have a bad day at lab to compensate for the awesome news.  I mean, the only bad thing that happened was that I ate too much for lunch!  So no dinner for me today...probably have to throw out the soup that is at least a week old...


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