Love for Getty Images, other randomness
Thank you, Getty, for providing access to the MLS All Star portraits. Like, where else can I get them? No one else cares. Yay for Jonny looking hot, Brian Ching in a Hawaiian shirt (haha), Eddie Johnson blinging, Jimmy Conrad looking his usual charming/hilarious, DeRosario looking badass, Toja looking like a rock star. I'm excited to see Toja and Angel and Johnson together. I also hope some MLS fans decide to show up...will probably be a better game than last year.
The Czechs decide to start off the U-20 semifinal match against Austria by scoring 2 early goals. Take that, Austria! I hope they get killed, and please no extra time!
But the news of the day: LIndsay Davenport is coming back! Right before the U.S. Open at Pilot Pen! I didn't even have a bad day at lab to compensate for the awesome news. I mean, the only bad thing that happened was that I ate too much for lunch! So no dinner for me today...probably have to throw out the soup that is at least a week old...
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