Some important stuff happens every day, except I usually don't care. I am such an asshole.
Firstly, we went out to Arbor Brewing Company to celebrate the award I won. It's kind of funny that I won the undergrad "Best 3rd Year Student" and Becky from our lab won the grad "Best 3rd Year Student". Anyway, my professor is always interesting conversation. Him and Becky are great (maybe with the aid of alcohol or maybe not). Anyway, I forgot to tell you that another undergrad joined our lab. He's also from Troy. I totally did not know that until yesterday. It was...weird. And now everyone knows that I am studying Croatian and I have to make half-excuses to why I am studying it. Not like I care what they think, but so they can get off my case.
(Shit it is almost 11:30. Why am I still up? Damn class. But only 3.5 weeks or so left!)
So I learned how to use the stop-flow machine, and even operated it a few times myself. And it didn't crash a billion times, or have crazy condensation, or have weird electrical signals. And I was home in time for dinner. Really, after working weird hours at lab, you take things like dinner as a treasured thing. Or lunch. I'm not crazy enough to skip both (unlike some people...ahem).
Other things: AC Milan won the Champions League! I rooted for them over Liverpool just because I am an anglophobe, sort of. Actually because I think ESPN2 is biased towards English teams (because most U.S. fans are English fans as well), so of course I must go against the majority. Also, Novak turned 20 yesterday! I must apologize for forgetting his birthday. It's just awful how I'm not keeping track of simple things like that. It's all because of Genetics. Stupid class...
Sunday is the French Open! Sweet! I will have massive amounts of tennis to catch up all the time. This is going to be a fun period...
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