What?! Is the sky falling down or something?

Really, life isn't that interesting. But who says you can't write about it anyway?

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Life is good (for now)

Nothing philosophical here...just that watching soccer (Champions' League) and playing PS2 and passing my tests for orgo and biochem and having German as my awesome blowoff...it's been great. I also satisfied my urge to go to the Arb (and studied out in the sun for about 2 hours but I also lost my watch, which was unfortunate) and walk around a little barefoot in the grass... I like walking around barefoot on grass, as long as it isn't too damp or muddy. And there is so little school left...it's so damn exciting!

I think I'm going into one of those less "lesbian" phases. I'm spending much more time appreciating the beauty of men, and probably because of seeing Roma's prettiness so clearly on my recorded video than on that 4x4 livestreamer... Does this make any sense at all? I still think I check out girls' boobs (I'm doing pushups again to try and bolster my own haha), but sometimes boobs can just be too big. I was just site-browsing and I saw this picture of a girl covering her gigantic boobs with her hands and I thought, "She would look so much nicer if her boobs were half that size." But I think I randomly have a higher tolerance/attraction toward blonde women than towards blonde men. So random. I must be too bored.


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