What?! Is the sky falling down or something?

Really, life isn't that interesting. But who says you can't write about it anyway?

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Last Post of 2006

What should I say? I can't believe that the year is almost over. I mean, what have I done this year? I can't even think...I'm so damn tired of class and of studying...and of being in Ann Arbor and I still have a test tomorrow...
I have to be a bragging nerd at this moment and say...A in Biochem! A- in Anthro! A+ in Physics! I can study for finals and get good grades when I need them! I can also get help from curves too. Now I should plot the demise of my classmates in Anal chem and then I can rule the world mwahahahaha...
Since I have a bunch of things to catch up on once I get home (like Christmas shopping and where the hell is the snow?), I think I may disappear from the Internet until next year. Happy Holidays and Happy 2007! I hope 2007 is a blog-happy year and also full of other fun, happy things, but you never know...

Monday, December 11, 2006


Classes are ending. I have a final tomorrow, Friday, the 20th and the 22nd of December. They are all nice and spread out, so I could technically study for them individually, but I won't. I also get to be one of the last people to leave Ann Arbor for home (unless the people already live in Ann Arbor). Well it is better than having 5 tests between today and Wednesday and a paper like someone I know...
Christmas presents...I've been pretty lazy in thinking of things to give people. I think I'm going to wimp out this year and just give out cards. In terms of family, I'll probably last minute shop on the 23rd. I'm just too lazy to go to Briarwood or down main street. Shopping is such a chore sometimes. For myself, I hope to buy the other 2 Julieta Venegas CDs and maybe some Switchfoot. I also need another set of earphones.
Can I just say that I'm so glad that classes are basically over? I could have killed myself this semester if I had made it into POPS or if I decided to volunteer on Tuesdays. And that is because I am an idiot and I can't study correctly for anything (too much for A-chem, sort of enough for Physics, too much of the wrong stuff for Anthro and for Biochem). And this dip in grades comes at the wrong time, or just before I want to apply to summer research programs...maybe I should just give in and become a real lab rat.
And realizing that I really only like organic chemistry (I REALLY HATE Biology-like things right now) and that I might just become that in graduate school...they should let undergraduates major in organic chemistry. I totally would.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

My New Sweet Schedule

So I might have registered too early because it was on Tuesday and now I finally got things straight. It's not my fault that Biochemistry and Inorganic Chemistry were at the same time, or that Genetics and Intermediate Organic Chemistry were at the same time. Inorg was supposed to be my backup too...oh well. Meanwhile I wasn't so sure that I wanted to take a language class next semester, let alone German. In the end, I'm taking Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, 2nd semester 1st year German, Introduction to Ballet, and Research! It's kind of exciting, since my latest class ends at 2 PM and most days I end at 1 PM. Also I only have 1 class on Friday (though at 9 in the morning, but what can I do about that...it's biochem).

I should have plenty of time for research and for soccer and for other sports and for volunteering. I was also debating getting a tutoring job of some sort in orgo since I'm out of practice. I can also work on learning some more Croatian since I haven't gotten very far yet, and keep working on Spanish. Too bad I couldn't take Russian 101 since that was at 9 in the morning. Maybe next year? I think Russian is pretty sweet. Meanwhile, Italian may be the only other language that offers a 101 class next semester. I kind of want to learn Italian, but I should be able to learn some on my own. Same with Portuguese. I probably won't learn those any time soon (I'd be too ambitious), but maybe some day...like this summer?