What?! Is the sky falling down or something?

Really, life isn't that interesting. But who says you can't write about it anyway?

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I'm bored once again so I'm going to make a list of things I hate and love that have come up this past week:

Things I hate:
  • School! These classes I'm taking are boring and a lot of work. Not hard, but extremely boring. I've almost fallen asleep in every class so far.
  • Pre-med kids. Especially when they are in my chemistry class meant for chemistry concentrators. Not for those kids who major in something random and then go to med. school. And I especially hate those kids who are taking this class so that it looks good on their transcript. Come on! I don't want to hear your complaints later.
  • Being bored. Maybe this should be studying because it is impossibly hard to start. Also I think I'm losing interest in the NBA. There needs to be more tennis on TV! And then European soccer or World Cup soccer!
  • The loud noise outside. The apartment next door is getting repairs and they've been drilling and pounding from 8 AM to like 5 PM or so. Otherwise it is too quiet in the apartment because Tiffany is at work for like the whole time. Obviously I should be studying instead of ranting, or running, or lifting, or something productive.
Things I love:
  • Having cable TV. There are many sports events to be watched now.
  • Tennis blogs! Go read them here if you are any bit interested in male tennis. Dmitry is hilarious!
  • Hot tennis player pictures! Enough said. No, they are not pornographic...


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