What?! Is the sky falling down or something?

Really, life isn't that interesting. But who says you can't write about it anyway?

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Week 5

I finally beat Grandia II! The ending was super cheesy. But that's not the only good news...
1) Had two tests this week and an essay due Tuesday. I think I fared pretty well. I got 108 out of 120 on my orgo. test. I messed up a few small things and forgot to do this one part of a problem (oops). I was really happy with my test score. Physics was easy...I should get a good grade on that. For history I wrote a decent, but not great, paper. I probably got another A-. I'm not doing too bad in that class though.

2) Concerts! John Corigliano is awesome! Monday I saw the U of M Symphony Orchestra and Friday I saw the U of M Symphony Orchestra and Band perform Corigliano's songs. The orchestra performed "Promenade Overture" and a piano concerto while the band performed "Circus Maximus" (Symphony 3). "Promenade Overture" is hilarious because the orchestra walks on stage while playing, starting with the piccolo, and ends with the tuba streaking (not naked) across the stage. The piano concerto was incredibly hard for the pianist and it was kind of strange, yet good. "Circus Maximus" had trumpets all around the outside of the ground floor, a small ensemble in the back, percussion and clarinet and saxophone ensembles in the balcony, a mini-marching band who comes in during this one movement, and a gunshot at the end. Yeah, it was insane. When the saxophones were doing their "animal" sounds, I thought of Jolyn. She would have been great at that part.

Well there is some bad news...like my horrible lab day. And the fact that I had 2 tests did suck...and now I have all this SSG work...
3) Oh yeah, band! So the director thought I practiced my solo. Haha, he wishes. The first time I played my solo that I didn't even know existed until that rehearsal, I made like 10 mistakes. I had gone over it with my fingers like 3 times before I had to play it, so I should have been perfect note-wise, but I wasn't. My sight-reading skills have deteriorated! Anyway I played the solo like 3 times, and that's all the experience I had with it. Maybe he's surprised that I can sight-read that well? Clementine would blow his socks off. I wish the clarinets were like Jean though. They don't really suck, but I could match their technique, and that's sad, especially since my skills are deteriorating exponentially...
4) Super bowl tomorrow! I wrote my essay today so I could have the evening off. Hopefully my Honors Cup (lab) group will meet early so we can be done early.


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